Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Cool dude......

kit painted and before,...

check out my mate Jorge, his wife and friend.... excellent paint work

will be listing soon another variation and some more i have done soon.....

Monday, June 13, 2011

Next thing on my list.... Vacuum Form Table.......

ED209 Model Kit.... i found in a box....

Tarnished Metal look, planning to spray again to the original bluey color.....

SnowSpeeder ...... 2nd version

This time with Lights......

More Cool Sabers from Phil

These are made by a mate of mine in the US, woks of art.

Aluminium body with a really powerful LED.

Poly Carbonite Tube which will take a heavy blow.....

Cool or what...


Scout Blaster I picked up on ebay, replaced all the resin cast screws with actual screws, gave it a tarnished paint job....

selling it on ebay as i have run out of room in the store....

Predator I bought a while ago, starting to paint the base coats and shades....

will keep you posted......

Klingon Warbird I am currently painting,

Adding lights for the front and back sections...

will update when i paint the body this week.

modified the back to match the original image i got from a friend.

front section was taken out and remodelled, and decided to fit lights at the back.

Build a housing for the lights and will update the blog when i take more snaps.

Planning to fit a Lit display for the fron console, and the handle bars will be completed next week..

Slowly getting there,

iron man is coming... bought this from a fella in the UK, real cool prop

Something I put Together from some spare arms in the store

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tie Interceptor Custom Paint Job with Lights

A friend gave me this toy and was in pretty bad shape, so i decided to give the Interceptor a custom Blue/Gray paint job. Also added RED LED lights on the back and front.

Planning to add a stand later this week.