Monday, July 15, 2013

ARC Toy Modification
Custom pain job
dismantled and painted with car paints
Added Back lighting 
Battery compartment in the bottom doors
Comes with a huge base

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

DANBO full size prop

Danbo project was requested for a client in Malaysia, very cool guy and decided to really go for it. first intital box was supposed to be in full resin sheets but the weight was a killer so i went back to card board which was specially cut from huge sheets. 
Measured the smaller version and went from there.

All the supports 

getting there

could not find anything to match the size until someone gave me a toilet float, in the end cut them and placed them on the arms, neck and legs...

Extra arms just in case
after resin coating all the parts

drilled a metal rod through the body to each leg for more support, plus all the feet has a 1 inch think layer of  resin for the base.

getting there, little guy and the big guy....


All the parts........
in the end the LED fitting was not bright enough so i drilled a hole in the neck section for a normall lamp