Monday, November 5, 2012

Decided to repaint the whole head, eyes came from a cool dude in the US who has some mad skills, dredds and bristles on the way. slowly getting there,. 

The Bottom is a fan base which a friend gave to me for my head stands, added a ton of filler and resin to get to look like a rocky surface, the skull was lying around in the store so added that with a bullet hole.

The missus was abit angry as i took her plants and the bones was from a guy i know in the US who sells skeletons. 

When the dredds and bristles come in will update the finished head

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This one was put together as i was a huge fan of 40K and warhammer, played the game, saw the fella 
and decided to piece one together,. 
Started with a Resin Skull, made the eye from a stormtrooper blaster front part, 
and the rest took off from there

 Filled the back for the back cover, quite different from the game but wanted a more real look

 Starting to add all the wires, copper pipes, caps etc
 PVC pipes for the back
 Sprayed black, more pipes
 Led light for the back of the head actually flickers on and off
 Eye socket light
 Hiding the wires
 Other eye socket, smaller piece, this is a part from a Dalek model kit
 Getting there

 LED wires decided to put in a plastic tubing i found
 All works

 Getting there

 added a metal tarnish to the whole piece, touched up the skull with a brown stain here and there

 Added more wires for the look

Monday, March 19, 2012

Hi again

well the DC-15 Blaster was more of an easier one.

Made this one with resin wood and metal parts.

Item had to also be shipped in parts. Threads inside the pvc pipe to hold the blaster together. filled partly with resin.

Handle and back section was full resin casts, in the end was painted black with a silver chrome tarnish.

At the end of the day was not pleased it had to go in parts as i never did that before but hey at least the client will get a nice blaster.

Chewbacca Blaster

Hi guys

This is the 7th Chewy blaster i have done, the one here is for a German Client that i had recently, item kept on getting stopped so i had to make the whole thing in parts for shipment.

My Client was very patient as i had to send the blaster by slow post in the end due to German customs headaches.

all the others previous were made from wood and plastic so decided to go with a full resin one, all the others either kept getting broken or man handled like a wrestler. At least this one if you drop it it wont simply snap in two.

anyway the blaster is a full resin and metal piece, made from a mold then sanded down with many hours of work.

Body of the blaster is resin, actual working scope from china, brass barrell and perspex bow.

quite heavy so the realism was there

painted in flat black and looked real cool.